Sam Seiders

Sam Seiders

Give description of background and brief summary of yourself.

I'm proud to be a graduate of NER-IV. My great grandparents, grandparents and parents also attended school at Cairo. My wife Ashley, daughter Lainey, and I live east of Cairo on the farm where I grew up. I have had the pleasure of helping run two family businesses. I have worked in insurance for over 20 years as an agent and underwriter and currently help run the family farm which is one of my greatest pleasures.  I am a member of the Cairo Baptist Church where I attend services regularly with my family. Currently I have a niece, nephew, and cousins attending school. My daughter Lainey is looking forward to becoming a Bearcat and will be the fifth generation in our family to attend NER-IV.

What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the Northeast Randolph Co. R-IV School District?

I have always been proud of the fact that members of our community have done so much to support our school system throughout the years which is a strength many communities may not possess. Our district is full of passionate people. We have staff who are highly committed, parents who are heavily involved and administrators who support staff and believe in what they do. Our facilities are up to date and attract potential residents. With such support it’s hard to find many weaknesses but I believe the school district and community should always strive for better. The district should continue to be up to date on curriculum, technology and policies that allow students and staff to reach their fullest potential.

What do you feel is your role as a board member?

I feel my role is to serve as a professional leader/representative and advocate for our community, prioritizing the needs and interests of students and the public school system. As a school board member, I will need to establish and maintain proper policies and procedures that will lead to high performance of our district. I will need to maintain a  planning process that includes stakeholders of the district. I will represent each member of our community.

What jobs, experiences, or talents will you bring to the board?

1999-2010: Seiders Insurance & Real Estate (agent/broker)

2010-2015: Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company (marketing manager)

2015 - Present Day: The Hartford Livestock Insurance Department (account executive - over seeing underwriting, claims adjusting, and marketing in a seven state territory).


2003: I was appointed by the Randolph County Presiding Commissioner to serve on the Northeast Missouri Work Force Investment Board

2007 & 2008: I served as President of the Randolph County Board of Realtors

2015- present: I plan and lead calls with my teammates which allows for collaboration towards common goals for our company.

2015-present: I assist with planning and maintaining our company finances, evaluating spending needs and conducting cost-benefit analyses while staying within the targeted budget which is key to my company’s success.

What is your vision of the Northeast Randolph Co. for the next five to ten years?

Continue to set good policy in order for the students and staff to achieve their full potential. Continue to make NER-IV a GREAT PLACE TO LEARN!

The highest calling of any school board is to ensure that the school division produces economically justifiable, properly chosen, well-targeted results. This can be achieved by determining the school division’s current situation in respect to teaching and learning, and thinking about what it should be not only currently, but also in the future.

 In the next 5-10 years, I want the district to continue to have a K-12 model that sets and achieves high academic standards, provides strong support for social and emotional needs, and offers a rigorous, relevant curriculum that gives all students meaningful options.

What prompted you to run for election to the Board of Education?

I think serving on the School Board would be an honor and excellent way to help give back to the school district and community. In my career, I strengthen relationships, add value and lead others so I feel that it is a natural progression to now do this for my community too. The children and youth of our community deserve our best. I would like to do my part to ensure that every student is on the path to be educationally equipped to lead a successful life.

Specify why you feel qualified to represent the Northeast Randolph Co. community on the Board of Education.

My education and work experience would bring value to the NER-IV Board of Education in which I would be proud to serve. In my career, I keep an open dialogue with district employees, customers and my team.  I believe school board members should be responsive and receptive to parents, staff, students and community members which allows for that open dialogue as well. In the past, I have been responsible for budgeting and the finances of our business.

I have a willingness to spend the time necessary to be well-informed on the issues coming before the board and to remain reasonably knowledgeable about local, state, national, and global education. I will seek first to understand the issues, knowing that the board’s decisions have a tremendous impact on our community and district.